5 Advantages Of PDF File Format

5 Advantages Of PDF File Format


PDF stands for Portable Document Format, and it is one of the most preferred formats for file transactions and regular business operations. Adobe introduced PDF in 2007 for college students, and it became an instant hit. Soon, the glory reached the professionals, and in no time, PDF became the de facto format of most offices in the world. Here are five advantages that PDF format offers, which makes it so popular with the masses.

Easy Accessibility

The problem with Word or other such formats was the system compatibility at the recipient’s end. Several factors contributed to the smooth viewing of an OS-specific file format. First, the end-user needs to have the same version of the application installed, and second, he must be on the same Operating System.

This mismatch hassled a lot of employees and often delayed the transactions. PDF solved this issue by making the format compatible with all the operating systems. This led to a revolution in the field of seamless file transfers, and offices worldwide adopted this as their de facto format to improve efficiency and save time.

Application independence

Certain file formats such as .DOCX, .XLX etc., require the user to install the respective application for viewing and editing. Some of those applications are paid, which is not viable for someone who just needs the file for viewing purposes.

This is not the case with PDF. Accessing the contents of a PDF file is very easy. You just need to have a compatible browser installed in your system. As soon as you click on the PDF file, it will pop up in your browser hassle-free.

Viewing on the go

You can access your PDF files from the comfort of your mobile phone or any such portable smart device.

Unlike some PC-specific extensions that require you to be on the system for viewing purposes, it offers seamless access. The portability factor plays an important role when you have to access the file contents urgently and you are commuting.

Easy conversion and editing

If you work on PDF format frequently, just download a free PDF editor for the purpose, and you can make all the necessary file conversions in a jiffy. These readers also provide some basic editing access to the document too.

You can highlight the important part in the document, crop a specific portion or even add a text box to the document. Also, if you want to access some particular tools for editing, just convert the file in that format and do the needful.

For example, if you want to work on MS Word, just convert your file from PDF to Word, and open the converted file in Word to get access to all the exclusive tools.

Content genuineness

The originality maintenance is quite easy in PDF format because PDF doesn’t allow unauthorized editing access to the document.

Further, this format was aimed at read-only purposes so that hefty changes can’t be made to the document. This is very handy, especially when there is a hoard of recipients.

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